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Abc AAA & BBB, 1900

Type ichnospecies:
Abc def AAA & BBB, 1900

Abcdef (AAA & BBB, 1900: pp. - ).

Derivation of name:


Abcdef (AAA & BBB, 1900).

Known Stratigraphic Range:
Aaa – Bbb (AAA & BBB, 1900)

Known ichnospecies:


Detailed information for each ichnospecies

  • Abc def AAA & BBB, 1900
    • Synonymy:



      Abc def

      - AAA & BBB, p.1; Fig. 2; Fig. 3.

    • Diagnosis: Abc (AAA & BBB, 1900: pp. - ).
    • Orientation: Abc.
    • Morphological category (Knaust, 2012): Abc.
    • Ethological category: Abc.
    • Environment: Abc.
    • Derivation of name: Abc.
    • Types: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany; Holotype Inventary-No.: SMNS 64849/1; Paratypes  Inventary-No.: SMNS 64849/2 to SMNS 64849/11.
    • Type locality: Abc.
    • Type horizon: Abc.
    • Geographical distribution: Abc.
    • Remarks: Abc.



  • TAbc fgh CCC, 2006
    • Synonymy:



      Körperabdrücke von  Crustaceen

      - JANICKE, p. 164; Pl. 9 Fig. 1.




      - RÖPER et al., p. 16; Fig. 11, Fig. 12.



      Tripartichnus triassicus

      - VALLON & RÖPER, p.157; Fig. 2; Fig. 3.

    • Diagnosis: Abc (CCC, 2006: pp. - ).
    • Orientation: Abc.
    • Morphological category (Knaust, 2012): Abc.
    • Ethological category: Abc.
    • Environment: Abc.
    • Derivation of name: Abc.
    • Types: Bürgermeister-Müller-Museum Solnhofen, Germany; Holotype Inventary-No.: BMMS 537; Paratypes: Inventary-No.: BMMS 701 to BMMS 703.
    • Type locality: Abc.
    • Type horizon: Abc.
    • Geographical distribution: Abc.
    • Remarks: Abc.


Similar ichnogenera (Please allow for pop-up windows!):

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  • O. asperus Nielsen & Nielsen 2001 (Nielsen, K.S.S., and Nielsen, J.K. 2001. Bioerosion in Pliocene to late Holocene tests of benthic and planktonic foraminiferans, with a revision of the ichnogenera Oichnus and Tremichnus. Ichnos, 8: 99-116.)
    Diagnosis – (After Nielsen & Nielsen, 2001, p. 110.) “Oichnus having openings of regular to irregular elongate-oval outline. The margin is perpendicular to the substrate surface.”

    Oichnus having regular elongate oval-shape. The margin of each opening is perpendicular to the substrate surfaces, and the dimensions of the external and internal openings are unequal. The dimensions of the openings vary between specimens with external lengths c. 240 µm, widths c. 100 µm and internal lengths c. 150 µm, widths c. 90 µm.

    [Blissett, D. J. & Pickerill, R. K. (2007): Systematic ichnology of microborings from the Cenozoic White Limestone Group, Jamaica, West Indies. - Scripta Geologica, 134: 77-108]
  • O. excavatus Donovan & Jagt 2002 (Ichnos, 9: 67-74).
    – (After Blissett & Pickerill, 2003c, p. 223.) “Circular to elliptical, nonpenetrative Oichnus, almost invariably with a broad, high, raised central boss. Aperture of boring may or may not be overhanging, but walls typically concave and may be V-shaped.”

    – Non-penetrative, elliptical depressions each with a raised central boss. The diameter of the figured specimen is c. 100 µm. The raised bosses are crudely knob-like with height less than the depth of each depression. The bases of the depressions are essentially flat. The walls of the structures are V-shaped in vertical section.

    [Blissett, D. J. & Pickerill, R. K. (2007): Systematic ichnology of microborings from the Cenozoic White Limestone Group, Jamaica, West Indies. - Scripta Geologica, 134: 77-108]
  • O. gradatus Nielsen & Nielsen 2001
    Diagnosis – (After Nielsen & Nielsen, 2001, p. 110.) “An Oichnus that abruptly changes diameter from wide externally to narrow internally. The two parts are concentric.”

    – Non-penetrative (failed), elliptical borings that change diameter in external width, averaging 90 µm longest diameter and 75 µm shortest diameter, to narrow internal width, c. 30 µm. The margins of both parts are perpendicular to the substrate surface.

    [Blissett, D. J. & Pickerill, R. K. (2007): Systematic ichnology of microborings from the Cenozoic White Limestone Group, Jamaica, West Indies. - Scripta Geologica, 134: 77-108.]
  • O. halo Neumann & Wisshak 2009 (Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 284(3-4):115-119
  • O. ovalis Bromley 1993 (Bull. Geol. Soc. Denm., 40: 167-73), here emend Diagn. vor Oichnus & Tremnichnus
    Diagnosis – (Emended after Bromley, 1993, pp. 170, 171.) Oval Oichnus tapering subparabolically from a relatively large external aperture to a minute inner one.

    – Rhomboidal forms with side widths averaging 120 µm. The margins are perpendicular to the substrate surfaces. The borings do not appear to fully penetrate the substrate.

    Remarks – The emendation to the diagnosis serves to remove the size restriction that was originally placed on the apertures (see Pickerill, 1994; Bertling et al., 2006).

    [Blissett, D. J. & Pickerill, R. K. (2007): Systematic ichnology of microborings from the Cenozoic White Limestone Group, Jamaica, West Indies. - Scripta Geologica,
    134: 77-108.]
  • O. paraboloides Bromley 1981
    Diagnosis – (After , Bromley 1981, p. 62.) “Oichnus having a spherical paraboloid form, truncated in those cases where the boring penetrates right through the substrate. Where it does not so penetrate, the paraboloid may be deformed by a slightly raised central boss.”

    – Simple borings resembling overturned cones with the apexes truncated. The structures are perpendicular to the substrate surface. The proximal diameters average 140 µm while the distal ones average 70 µm.

    [Blissett, D. J. & Pickerill, R. K. (2007): Systematic ichnology of microborings from the Cenozoic White Limestone Group, Jamaica, West Indies. - Scripta Geologica,
    134: 77-108.]
  • O. simplex Bromley 1981
    Diagnosis – (After Bromley, 1981, p. 60.) “Circular to subcircular holes of biogenic origin bored into hard substrates. The holes may pass right through the substrate as a penetration, where the substrate is a thin shell; or end within the substrate as a shallow to deep depression or short, subcylindrical pit.”

    Description – Circular to oval, vertically oriented borings. The majority of these borings do not totally penetrate the substrate. Diameters vary between 70-350 µm.

    [Blissett, D. J. & Pickerill, R. K. (2007): Systematic ichnology of microborings from the Cenozoic White Limestone Group, Jamaica, West Indies. - Scripta Geologica, 134: 77-108.]