our homepage about TRACE FOSSILS and RAGDOLL CATS.
We have chosen to quit our memebership in Felis Danica and will therefore not show our cats anymore on Cat Shows. However, we love our cats and will therefore still keep their profiles and pictures here on our homepage. Trace fossils will from now on be the primary subject of this internet presence and we are aiming for something like the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Trace Fossils, as a depository of all knowledge and wisdom about ichnology.
We have just started with this homepage and most of it is still under construction. Thanks for your understanding when you reach a page that is not filled with information, yet!
01. January 2017:
We have started with filling fact pages for each ichnogenus but have trouble in finding all the information we would like to display. Nevertheless, the pages go online immediately once we have typed in the information available to us.
19. January 2016:
At the moment most of our working time goes into the Ichnotaxa Database. The frame of the determination key for trace fossils based on KNAUST (2012) is working, so you will at least get a possible ichnogenus-name for the trace fossil you would like to determine. The factpages about each trace fossil genus, however, are still empty. To fill all the empty fact pages of each ichnogenus, Nadine Balk, Markus Bertling,Stacey Gibb and Jan Kresten Nielsen have joined us.
18. October 2014:
We have received the ichnological collection from the University of Copenhagen housed at Gravgærde (Bornholm). The plan is to make these specimens available via our fact pages within our Ichnotaxa Database section. Currently, we are sifting through the material (32 moving boxes with 402 specimens).
23. June 2017:
We now only have neutered cats. What a relief!
23. July 2016:
Owing to recent developments between Felis Danica and some of our friends, we have chosen to quit our membership with this organisation and will therefore not show our cats anymore on any shows.
26. April 2016:
Nardo has found a new home with a great young Lady in Århus. Both love and adore each other. It is the best that could have happened to both!
02. September 2015:
Our “Princess”, DK Seierø’s Royal Copenhagen kept being bullied by the rest of our flock. So she decided to seek for asylum in Germany at Lothar’s parents. She is very happy there and is trying to make new friends!
21. March 2015:
During his 21st show, SP DK Jaquet Cha Cha Cha (“Chaplin”) achieved his DSM title. Although he is retired now, he promised to come to future shows from time to time to catch up with his friends.