The Ragdoll

On the following pages we would like to share with you some facts and rumors about the cat-race RAGDOLL. Our knowlegde about this giant cat-breed that turns floppy like a doll when picked up, derives from several sources, some were only oral conversations with other breeders. The most comprehensive source however, is the book:

WALLACE, L., PICKERING, R. & POLLARD, D. (eds., 1995): The definitive guide to ragdolls. - 128 pp., numerous pictures; Pontefract (Ragdoll World).

Unfortunately, it is out of print and for non-native English readers sometimes hard to understand... The rare copies are very hard to get hold on and are horrendously expensive! Perhaps it is time for a new edition?!


The following characterisation of the Ragdoll is based on the FIFe-standard for this cat race:


Ragdolls are massive, large cats with a muscular body and strong and heavy bones. Females are noticeably smaller than males. The development of the ragdoll is slow, cats are not fully grown until they are 3 to 4 years old. The head of a typical Ragdoll is medium in size and has a broad modified wedge. The forehead is slightly rounded and not domed, showing a gentle transition to a flat plane between the ears. The  profile shows a good height. The noses are straight and show a slight curve in the upper third. The cheeks are well developed, tapering to a rounded well developed, broad muzzle (never narrow!) of medium length and a well developed chin. The ears are medium in size, broad at their base and have a rounded tip. They are set wide on the skull exhibiting a slight tilt forward. Eyes are large and oval in shape. The outer edge of the eye aperture has to be in level with the base of the ears. They are blue in colour, the more intensive the better (in relation to the body colour). Any other colour than blue will result in a disqualification of a cat on a FiFe-Show.

The neck of the Ragdolls is short and strong. Their chest is broad and well developed. Mature cats are as broad at their shoulders as they are at their hindquarters, which feels heavier than their front. Legs are medium in length and of medium to strong bone. The hind legs are slightly higher than the front legs, giving the the line of the back a slightly forward tilted appearance. The paws are large, round and compact. They are tufted between the toes. The tail is long and preferably reaches to the shoulders. It is medium broad at its base and tapers slightly towards its tip. It is well furnished and bushy.


The coat of the ragdolls lies with the body, is medium long, dense, soft and has a silky texture (when touched, it should feel like cold silk). The coat is longest around the neck framing the outer edge of the face giving the appearance of a bib. The fur is shortest in the face, but increases in length from the top of the head to the shoulders down the back. It is medium to long on the sides, the belly and the hind quarters but short to medium long on the front legs. The coat quality changes during the year with the seasons.

The Ragdoll appears in three patterns: Colourpoint, Bicolour and Mitted (agouti or non-agouti) – and 20 colour varieties – altogether 60 varieties.


History of the race
The Ragdoll patterns


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