On the following pages we would like to share with you some facts and rumors about the cat-race RAGDOLL. Our knowlegde about this giant cat-breed that turns floppy like a doll when picked up, derives from several sources, some were only oral conversations with other breeders. The most comprehensive source however, is the book:
WALLACE, L., PICKERING, R. & POLLARD, D. (eds., 1995): The definitive guide to ragdolls. - 128 pp., numerous pictures; Pontefract (Ragdoll World).
Unfortunately, it is out of print and for non-native English readers sometimes hard to understand... The rare copies are very hard to get hold on and are horrendously expensive! Perhaps it is time for a new edition?!
The following characterisation of the Ragdoll is based on the FIFe-standard for this cat race: